Campbell and the Beef Thief are back, and this time ol' Beefy went on a lil' trip! Dan recaps Adepticon 2024 and Campbell lives vicariously. Make sure to wear ear protection for this one, gang, as the sonorous clacking of Dan's many medals might deafen you.
This is honestly supposed to be a Warhammer 40k podcast. How did we fuck this up so bad? Where did we go wrong? The good news is that if you like trucks, you're gonna be thrilled. The bad news is that we didn't use the soundboard even once in the entire fucking episode. Seriously, what is wrong with us?
Truly it is a grand day for a bad 'cast! This time around the fellas coin several new terms: "The Irish Good-Die", "mouth-bored", and rebrand as the Porty-k PottyCast. Does that make any sense? Does anything? Who even cares?!