The bois are back with a spicy load of Badcast goodness, wrapped in a tortilla, and baked at 350 degrees for 20 minutes! We talk about new stuff, vacations, codex balance, and we ask the world's most difficult question: is there anyone cool named Glen? Preliminary results suggest that no, there isn't.
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Look at Campbell's models!
Watch Campbell's videos!
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We're back on our regular schedule with a hot load of 40k Badcast goodness! We talk about our frail bodies, large sweaty men, Superman vs. Goku, and Dan realizes that his fuckbois are a bunch of ineffective assholes. We also open an impromptu Fanfiction Challenge and adopt very stupid voices for a dramatic reading. It truly is an instant classic!
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Campbell's models:
Campbell's show about bases:
Check out the Crew Shaken podcast, but only after you listen to us:
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