It took us 23 practice rounds, but we finally did it: a show that neither of us actively hate. We'll be back next time with the usual: an embarrassment.
We nail down picking an army theme, talk Tempestus Scions, and get salty about peoples' reactions to GW's recent announcement.
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Go see Campbell's models!
Read the entirety of that terrible Fanfiction!
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The holidays and one extremely bad hangover) pushed us back by a couple of days, but the bois are back in town with another edition of the 40k Badcast! We're joined in studio by our friend Dylan and we talk Necromunda, Oldhammer, and what this dumb show means to us. Campbell also does some really cheesy voices.
Yell at us on twitter!
Watch Campbell's show!
Look at his minis, while you're at it, why don't you?
Look at Dylan's stuff!
I can't imagine why you'd want to, but go check out that ridiculous fanfiction in all of it's dubious glory:
Please subsribe and tell your asshole friends to listen to out great podcast!